Speaker illustration

Doctor Fco Javier Garcia Fernandez

University Hospital of Burgos, Burgos (Spain)

Member of:

European Heart Rythm Association

- Medicine Doctor and PHD at the University of Salamanca (Spain). - Master on Clinical and Interventional Electrophysiology (University Complutense. Madrid. - Cardiology Specialization at the Hospital of Navarra. Pamplona.Spain. - Fellowship on EP and Devices at the University Hospital Gregorio Marañon (Madrid).Spain. - Creation and direction of the Unidad de Arritmias . University Hospital of Burgos from 2005.... Expertise: PSVT,AF, VT, CIEDs,SCD... Research main interests: PSVT,AHS detection & CIEDs , Remote monitoring, CRT.... Hobbies: All kind of sports (Ski,MTB,windsurf, Rugby, Hiking....) Languages: Spanish and english

Can we go remote alone?

Event: EHRA 2023

Topic: Home and Remote Patient Monitoring

Session: Alert-based follow-up: the future of remote CIED management


Covid 19 pandemic: the final boost for remote monitoring of implantable cardiac devices? : analysis from the nationwide remote monitoring registry (Covid-19 rm-spain)

Event: EHRA 2023

Topic: Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth, Other

Session: ePoster session 39


Impact of the Covid19 pandemic on implantable cardiac device implants in Spain. Data from the nationwide Covid 19 RM (remote monitoring) Spain registry.

Event: EHRA 2023

Topic: Home and Remote Patient Monitoring

Session: ePoster session 24


RM-ALONE Trial - Remote monitoring alone as a promising method for follow up of patients with cardiac electronic devices

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Home and Remote Patient Monitoring

Session: Late Breaking Science in Telemedicine
