Speaker illustration

Doctor Carlos Brotons

Department of Health, Barcelona (Spain)

Dr. Carlos Brotons obtained his Medical degree with honours at the Autonoma University of Barcelona. He was trained as a family physician/general practitioner and he spent two years at the University of Texas (Houston-USA), School of Public Health, in a Master’s Programme of Public Health, and six months as a visiting professor of the advanced epidemiology course and at the coordinating centre for clinical trials. He obtained his doctoral degree (PhD) from the Autonoma University of Barcelona, Spain. Dr Brotons is a member of the Board of the European Primary Care Cardiovascular Society, and the European Network for Prevention and Health Promotion in Primary care/General Practice. He was a member of the The Sixth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice.

Clinical challenges in cardiovascular drug therapy

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Drug therapy

Session type: Symposium
