Speaker illustration

Doctor Ayman Khairy

Assiut University, Assiut (Egypt)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

D. Ayman Hassan has completed his interventional cardiology Ph.D. at the age of 33 years from Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands after finishing this Master studies from Assiut University School of Medicine. He was nominated as the vice director of Assiut University Hospitals and the head of a new health care quality unite. He has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals and has been serving as an editorial board member of repute. He is the founder of cardioloy E-learning courses. Also he is an experienced intervenitional cardiologist mainly in Primary PCI, CTO and LM.

Predictors of No-reflow in Primary PCI patients with novel insight on thrombus aspiration.

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Revascularisation

Session: Coronary artery disease: diagnosis, pharmacotherapy and revascularisation


Synergestic cardioprotective effect of losartan, atorvastatin with remote ischemic preconditioning on the biochemical changes induced by ischemic/reperfusion injury in a clinical and experiment study

Event: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2016

Topic: Therapy

Session: Moderated Posters Session 2: ACS and PCI
