Speaker illustration

Doctor Daniel Akrawi

Liverpool Hospital, Liverpool (Australia)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Daniel Akrawi is a General Cardiologist & Cardiac Imaging Specialist from Sydney, Australia. He completed his MBBS (Hons I) at Western Sydney University and is currently undertaking a PhD in angiography based physiological assessment of moderate coronary artery lesions. He has a keen interest in Cardio-Oncology and Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging (cMRI/CTCA).

VERMONT non-optimised: can baseline diagnostic catheter images be used to measure angiography based CAAS-vFFR?

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Intracoronary Flow and Pressure Measurements

Session: Functional testing in coronary artery disease


A rare case of acute right coronary Sinus of Valsalva rupture into the right atrium precipitated by non-syndromic aortopathy.

Event: ESC Asia 2022 with APSC & AFC

Topic: Clinical

Session: Young Cardiologists Clinical Case Competition
