Speaker illustration

Miss Inmaculada Husillos Tamarit

Hospital Universitario y Politecnico La Fe, Valencia (Spain)

A nurse since 1991, she worked for 10 years in the Radiodiagnosis Service of the Dr. Peset Hospital. In relation to cardiology, he has worked at the Hospital Universitario y Politécnico La Fe for 8 years in the hospitalization ward and, since 2013, he has cared for patients who have been admitted for heart failure in the Multidisciplinary Monitoring Program for patients with Heart Failure. She has collaborated in the training in Heart Failure of Primary Care nurses and nursing undergraduate students. And, finally, collaborates in research studies related to Heart Failure.

Autocuidado de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca: revisión y novedades.

Event: Heart Failure 2022

Topic: Chronic Heart Failure

Session: Local Track - La enfermera de insuficiencia cardíaca: funciones y perfil de competencias
