Speaker illustration

Doctor Miguel Mendes

Hospital de Santa Cruz, Carnaxide (Portugal)

- Head of Cardiology Department at Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental (CHLO) - Hospital de Santa Cruz (2010 -) - Invited Professor of Cardiology at Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Lisboa/Nova Medical School (2012-) - President of the Cardiology College of Ordem dos Médicos (2017-) - President of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology (2015-17). - Responsible for the Cardiac Rehabilitation Program of Hospital de Santa Cruz-CHLO (2016-), Instituto do Coração/Carnaxide/Portugal (1988-) and Medical Director of Clube Coronário de Lisboa, Faculty of Human Motricity, Cruz Quebrada/Portugal (1992-). - Chairperson of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Section of ESC-European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (2005-07) - Secretary of Nucleus of the ESC Working Group on Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise Physiology (2001-05) - Coordinator for Study Group on Exercise Physiopathology and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Portuguese Society of Cardiology (1995-99) and (2003-07).

Maximising the benefits of cardiac rehabilitation

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Cardiovascular rehabilitation: interventions and outcomes

Session type: Advances in Science


Utility of cardio pulmonary exercise testing in cardiac rehabilitation

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Miscellaneous

Session type: Special Session
