University Hospitals of Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
Member of:
Dr Hussein (MBBS, BMedSci, MPH) is an Academic Resident Doctor in the West Midlands (UK) with an interest in basic science and clinical research. Most recent publications include in the Journal of Hypertension and BMJ Heart Journal. She was interviewed on BBC News for 'saving the life of a collapsed shopper' and has been on Dunya and 92 News discussing her charity project towards Girls Education in rural areas of South Asia.
Myocarditis in the modern era: analysing the impact of high-sensitivity troponin & C-reactive protein in predicting the extent of myocarditis and LV systolic dysfunction on cardiac magnetic resonance
ESC Congress 2024
Diagnostic Methods
Myocarditis: good tools for predicting bad outcomes